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Tender Schedule Preparation#

High level schedules for GTE projects are generally developed in the 'Potential (or Prospective) Project' phase following a request for proposal (/tender/quotation).

GTE prepares estimates for the labour, third party, material and other costs associated with the work as it is understood from the (potential) client's definition of the work scope, and as built up from an executable activity level.

Any client stipulated milestones are considered and the key activities in the estimate are planned out as a high level schedule with basic logic and conservative durations based on the underlying estimated efforts and likely simultaneous resources. Where client requirements aren't met, including using additional resources on critical activities, some negotiation may take place to clarify the client milestones.

The resulting preliminary (tender) schedule forms part of GTE's 'Proposal' submission for the works.

The Tender Schedule is used as a basis for the Baseline Project Schedule if/when the project is awarded to GTE by the client, and generally the key milestones within that preliminary offering will be the non-negotiable commitments that must be maintained within the proposed Baseline.

Preparing Tender Schedules in Smartsheet#